Joe pratar om Demi i en intevju

Kategori: andra kändisar
Joe tillfrågades om Demi ex-flickvän, i en intervju, och det är vad han sa:

Are you worried you’ll have a mental breakdown like your ex-girlfriend Demi Lovato?
I’m just happy for her and that she’s able to have the time she needed to get the help she needed. She seems like she’s doing well. She’s a great girl.
Are you worried you’ll have a mental breakdown like your ex-girlfriend Demi Lovato?

"I’m just happy for her and that she’s able to have the time she needed to get the help she needed. She seems like she’s doing well. She’s a great girl"

Ahh älskar bilden Kolla Demi Omg vackraste tjejen jag någonsin sett !!!

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